- Frans Van de Velde at the age of only 14 years old, in 1959 builds his first transistorradio in a empty sigarbox, and a few months later his first radiotransmitter with surplus radiotubes which he recovered from an old radio. From that moment on, the eternal passion for radio, antennas and wireless communication was born.
- The first commercial activities started in 1969 in the "Kortrijksepoortstraat" in Ghent by the name of STEREOHOUSE.
- As from 1972 we started the import of HAM-RADIO and CB-RADIO equipment from Switzerland and a network of resellers was established all over Belgium.
- Since 1977 our own models of CB-RADIOS have been developed. These were produced in Japan under our own brandname "HAM INTERNATIONAL". After the success of these products in Belgium and Europe they found their way all over the world.
- Some enthusiastic and nostalgic owners of our CB-RADIOS even have created a website with lots of useful technical information for the many hundreds of thousends of products spread all over the world.
- Towards the end of the seventies the production and sales of these CB-RADIOS reaches an average of 10.000 units per month, with peaks up to 15.000 pcs.
- Today after nearly 50 years we still receive praising messages from proud owners about the exceptional quality and features of these products.
- On the second-hand market, these devices are now finding their way to collectors who are paying as much or even more for them as they once did for new ones.
- Back in 1986 we developed the very first CEPT approved 900MHz cordless phone in the world. We obtained approval in 13 countries and sold it in almost all of Europe. During more than 2 years we remained the exclusive supplier for the Italian PTT (SIP) with this product.
- We have built big networks with cordless telephones long before the existance of DECT. The most impressive surface with coverage inside and outside buildings was 22 hectares.
- Our company had become a multinational in the early 1990 but was later restructured to a pure family company targeting on quality and service.
- 1993: we receive the visit from senior managers from PROXIMUS to invite us to become one of their agents for the new Belgian GSM network.
- 1994: start of the GSM network in Belgium where we are welcomed as one out of the 10 most important agents with an extremely high customer satisfaction.
- 1994: our experience with the development of the first 900MHz cordless phones has learned us how to attain the very first GSM indoor coverage solutions. Ever since, these solutions undergo a continuous evolution, progress and market growth.
- At the end of the nineties we welcome the wives of sons Bart and Bruno who reinforce our workforce. One cannot imagine a better dedicated team with continued motivation.
- 2004: we purchase and move to a new building at only 300m from the old known address.
- 2012: production start of the first professional 19 inch GSM 2G 3G 4G signal amplifiers for indoor coverage on vessels.
- 2014: our contract with Proximus/Belgacom is not renewed and we can spend more time and effort to professional solutions for our customers.
- 2014: production start of the first professional 5 band 19 inch GSM 2G 3G 4G 5G signal amplifier units for indoor coverage in the world.
- 2017: development start of an amplifier model with LCD display and remote monitoring.
- 2018: start with export and the creation of a dealer/installer network for our products in Europe.
- 2019: production of the first double 6 band real MIMO preamplifiers for EMEA 3G 4G 5G routers in order to achieve very high databandwidth via cellular.
- 2019: production of the first 5 band 19 inch professional GSM signal amplifiers with USA frequency bands in the world.
- 2020: production of the first 6 band 19 inch professional GSM 2G 3G 4G 5G amplifiers in the world.
- 2020: production of the first double 5 band real MIMO preamplifiers with USA frequencies for 2G 3G 4G 5G routers.
- 2022: devlopment of a professional monitoring and alarm system for the GSM signal amplifiers.
- 2023: obtaining EN50155 railway certificate fot the GSM signal amplifiers.
- 2024: company moves to new building to optimize production.
- 2025: devlopment of a GSM indoor covering solution over optical fiber.

Short company history.